Your commitment to join us at the 2023 HR Virginia Leadership Conference is greatly appreciated, and we are thrilled to have you as a valuable volunteer leader. We believe that your presence will contribute to the success of the conference and enrich the overall experience for all attendees. Below are a few reminders:
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a silent auction benefitting the SHRM Foundation. To help us invigorate our efforts to support the SHRM Foundation, we are asking every chapter to donate at least one item to the silent auction.
Please confirm your donation to the silent auction by emailing Jamie Ryers at by COB, Friday, September 29, 2023. Remember, the funds we raise during these events allow us to improve our chapters while realizing SHRM’s vision of elevating the profession of HR. All contributions are appreciated. Here are some quick donation ideas:
- Gift baskets (locally inspired is always a bonus!)
- Gift cards - restaurants, spa packages, weekend getaways, etc.
- Vouchers - HR coaching, handbook reviews, chapter conference registration, etc.
- Chapter and/or HR swag
HR Virginia Swag Shop:
Feel free to represent your local chapter on Friday, wear your swag. If you are a member of the State Council and would like to represent HR Virginia, you can purchase swag via our custom gift shop here: Virginia State Council (
Happy Hour and Dinner Friday:
Happy Hour will run until 7:30pm, please make dinner reservations after this. This is a great time to bond with your chapter over dinner. All registered volunteer leaders will receive 2 drink tickets, along with our hors d’oeuvres bar.
Questions: If you have any questions, please reach out to Meg Riat ( or Ashley McGlawn (