It would NOT happen at my Firm! Workplace Violence on Your Doorstep… A New Culture for Prevention
1 Hour Breakout
Workplace violence incidents are significantly on the rise, especially in the world we are currently living in with so much uncertainty and anxiety in our working environment and among our employees. As much as we want our workplace culture to be inclusive, the differences amongst our employees and the anxieties of our everyday working world can cause disharmony, sometimes leading to violence between and among employees. Workplace violence is a potentially serious risk to any business resulting in the potential for reduced productivity, decreased revenue, and loss of reputation. Higher turnover can result from the stress and potential traumatic after-effects of a violent incident. This interactive session on workplace violence prevention includes important information to assist you in protecting your firm and your employees, including discussing types of workplace violence that occur, the characteristics and warning signs of potential violence, steps that all organizations should take to create a more inclusive culture in order to prevent acts of violence from occurring and, finally, discussing what to do if an unwanted intruder enters your office or building.